Roy C. Jones, CFRE

Roy C. Jones, CFRE

From “Rainmaking: The Fundraisers Guide to Landing Big Gifts” on page 114…

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Great fundraisers are not just devoted friends, but great business partners, too. And great major gift fundraisers understand that those writing the checks are ultimately their business partners.

They know that people do not go into business with a person who they do not like or do not trust. Successful major gift fundraisers begin every relationship with a specific “end game”… to acquire a new business partner. Transparency, honesty, integrity and advocacy are all critical steps that must be demonstrated incrementally. It takes time and it must be intentional.

Once the donor “invests” in your organization or ministry, how you recognize, steward and are accountable for each gift has an impact on the size and frequency of the next gift. People invest in places where they see the biggest return for their giving. Great business partners bring value to the relationship!