FIT Fundraising Articles

Fundraising Tips and Strategies.

Hiring Fundraising Staff

Hiring Fundraising Staff

The major gift fundraisers are not magicians. They can’t simply pull their millionaire contacts and tell them to give to your ministry now that they work for you. It just does not happen that way. If you have a large pool of middle donors and/or current major donors that need to be cultivated, then you are ready to hire a frontline fundraiser. Here is some fundraiser hiring best practices:

Give it a Rest: Why DEI is not WOKE

Give it a Rest: Why DEI is not WOKE

In a recent public statement, Fit Fundraising, openly supported Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), emphasizing its importance for marginalized members in nonprofit development programs. This move sparked unexpected backlash, with accusations of embracing ‘woke’ left-wing politics. However, DEI and ‘woke-ism’ are not the same. DEI aims to create inclusive environments, appreciating and meeting everyone where they are, and removing barriers based on capability, education, and opportunity. Unlike the divisive nature of ‘woke-ism,’ DEI unites us and strengthens our communities. At Fit Fundraising, we stand for what is right, not for going ‘woke.’ Join us in supporting true diversity and inclusion.

You Must Meet with Donors

You Must Meet with Donors

Before a donor increases giving to the 5-figure level they usually want to meet with someone. It is about stewardship. Most people who make transformational gifts want to meet to ensure that every dollar they invest in your organization has a real impact.

Segmentation: Use it or Lose it

Segmentation: Use it or Lose it

"A donor segment is a group of donors or prospects who require similar fundraising communications according to the information that categorizes them... Our charity uses segmentation for reporting results." I recently asked a fundraising professional if his charity...

The New Normal for Year End Giving…

The New Normal for Year End Giving…

December has changed for most non-profits, we have just experienced the biggest decline for a December in more than a decade. Volatile stock markets at year end; combined with expensive, divisive political campaigns and new tax implications from one year to the next are forcing most non-profits to rethink the giving calendar. Is this the new normal?

The Most Wonderful Time of Year

The Most Wonderful Time of Year

Holiday Times are Critical to Development I know many fundraising professionals in the development industry that literally take the last six to eight weeks of the year off. They move into autopilot mode. They get off the road and nestle snug in the offices (and beds),...

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Need help with your fundraising strategy? Contact FIT Fundraising today to schedule a consultation with our expert team.

(434) 381-3185

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