“For clinking money, you can shake the can. For folding money, you should go ask for it. “
Roy Jones
Presidential Winner Will Use “Integration” In Fundraising
The next President of the United States will have to shift away from the traditional fundraising strategies which have been used over the last two Presidential campaigns. It will be critical to use “marketing integration” to raise funds and move away from silo’d...
Does Your “Ice Bucket” Leak?
Today, social media is producing primarily “One-And-done” new donors. While this kind of funding helps, it is very risky to build a future on.
Can a Capital Campaign Hurt Your Non-profit?
Most nonprofits, like Sweet Briar, do not consider the fact that capital campaigns can hurt your annual fund and general operating budget, especially if annual fund donors are being targeted for a large percentage of the capital gifts. With nearly $200 million raised in Sweet Briar’s case, they learned the hard way that capital campaign donors will rarely give “twice” or release “restrictions” to pay for overhead and operations.
A Few Reasons Why Small Charities Stay Small….
Bottom line, there is a cost to acquire a new donor and, as importantly every new donor has lifetime donor value to the charity. Charities must be willing to invest in growth.
The 5 Biggest Tips for Boosting Donations
Every January I encourage charities to spend more time on practical, actionable events rather than writing beautiful superfluous words about their organization and cause.
Double Down on SEM to Boost Year End Revenue (plus 8 other great ideas)
… half of all donations happen in 4th quarter, and half of those occur during the month of December, and half of those occur during the last week of December (the golden week), and half of those contributions will happen the last day of December.
The GOP Take Over Lessons for Nonprofits and Charities!
If you cannot change the people you are around… change the people you are around. Sure, it sounds easy, but it is the toughest part of integrating new technology. Some people just will not be able to change or grow.
Holiday Cookies and Your Website Donations
It's that time of year around my home... It starts with pumpkin latte's, morphs to pumpkin bread, rolls over to chocolate oatmeal "no bakes" (they are my favorite) and by the time Thanksgiving arrives we are in full Christmas cookie workshop mode. My dear wife, her...
Up The Creek Without a “strategy”?
Does your charity have a FUNDRAISING STRATEGY? I am often surprised talking to nonprofits at how many fundraisers are just begging without any real plan. One thing is for certain, I didn’t get into this business just to be a beggar. Your charity needs a fundraising...