Roy Jones

What Do Major Donors Really Want?

“I don’t give money away. I make investments. Before providing support to anyone I measure impact, I want to see how many lives my investment will touch. I will often compare the impact of the amount I am ask for with what kind of impact I am having somewhere else.”

The Ask… Is it your “spot on the wall”?

Of the 2.1 million charities doing business in the United States, most enter the new year without an ask strategy. We don’t take the time to develop our 7-figure, 6-figure and 5-figure asks. We don’t have a case for support. We don’t even have a needs list. We get sloppy with our research and do not determine our supporters “donative intent” and giving capacity.

Major Donor Metrics – Part 2

Do you really LOVE those donors who are sacrificially supporting our organization? If you do, meet with them. Become their friend. Listen to them. Find out where their hearts are. Hear what kinds of programs and projects that the want to support. Then become their advocate, their supporter… their friend.

The 4th Quarter Blitz

Yes, it’s that time again. The 4th quarter has arrived and what play are your going to call? By any metric or system of measurement in fund development the last quarter of the year is the most important and the last week of the 4th quarter is by far the most profitable week for any not-for-profit organization. I often refer to this week as “golden week”.

Stop Counting the Money… Major Giving Metrics

Getting donors to sit down with you is a cycle. You have to get the pump primed before most donors say, “yes, let’s meet”. It might take 10 phone calls, 3 voice mail messages, a handwritten note and 2 or 3 actually phone conversations to get a visit. When you interrupt this cycle for one week, two weeks or even, three weeks, guess what? You have to start all over.

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