Donors move up the ladder from one year to the next as you ask for more and demonstrate that you have been a good steward with their previous gifts.
Roy Jones
Internet Guru Challenge – Fundraising “Part Deux”
Internet giving continues to climb, but I contend it is because the other channels are driving traffic to web giving pages, and not because the other channels are lying in a ditch on the information highway.
What The “Internet Gurus” Are NOT Telling You About Fundraising
When people give on line it is no more about the technology as saying when people give in the mail it is because of the paper.
What Do Major Donors Really Want?
“I don’t give money away. I make investments. Before providing support to anyone I measure impact, I want to see how many lives my investment will touch. I will often compare the impact of the amount I am ask for with what kind of impact I am having somewhere else.”
The Ask… Is it your “spot on the wall”?
Of the 2.1 million charities doing business in the United States, most enter the new year without an ask strategy. We don’t take the time to develop our 7-figure, 6-figure and 5-figure asks. We don’t have a case for support. We don’t even have a needs list. We get sloppy with our research and do not determine our supporters “donative intent” and giving capacity.
Five Qualities of a Highly Effective Major Gift Officer
As I boarded a plane a few years ago from Los Angeles, I was going through my routine… stowing my lap top under the seat in front of me, neatly folding my jacket in the overhead bin, and most importantly, putting on my headset and dialing in my Ipod with my favorite...
4TH Quarter Checklist – LYBUNTs: Are you making your list and checking it twice?
LYBUNT is an acronym that stands for “last year, but unfortunately not this year.” This is a term used frequently in the fundraising world to represent donors who gave your organization money last year but, who have not given you money yet this year. Fundraisers typically target this group of last year’s donors differently than people who haven’t made a gift at all.
Are You Building Trust With Your Major Donors?
If you want to see your donors step up and start making major investments in your charity or non-proft, then start treating them like you would a business partner or major investor. Meet with them, talk with them, but most importantly listen to them.
Major Donor Metrics – Part 2
Do you really LOVE those donors who are sacrificially supporting our organization? If you do, meet with them. Become their friend. Listen to them. Find out where their hearts are. Hear what kinds of programs and projects that the want to support. Then become their advocate, their supporter… their friend.
The 4th Quarter Blitz
Yes, it’s that time again. The 4th quarter has arrived and what play are your going to call? By any metric or system of measurement in fund development the last quarter of the year is the most important and the last week of the 4th quarter is by far the most profitable week for any not-for-profit organization. I often refer to this week as “golden week”.