Successful marketing, even with websites, is about minimizing risk to increase opportunity. Remember, if you are like most charities, half of your annual income is at risk. So even if Buddy The Elf has a great idea to make your website more Christmassy… put Buddy in the mail room and keep him away from the computer screen.
Roy Jones
What I am Thankful for… a year of thanks and giving at THANKSGIVING
I have sat down this year, face to face and personally interviewed 117 major donors. People with hearts that are so unique. People whose careers and businesses are not about amassing wealth. People who believe their purpose for living is giving. They have dedicated homes, careers and businesses to alleviate suffering, helping the homeless, feeding the hungry and providing clean, cool water to those who thirst.
Are You Ready for the Golden Week? 8 Steps To Safeguard Your Year-end Fundraising
The best development leaders bear down during the months of November and December to insure that the last week of the year is the most profitable 7-days of the calendar year.
How 100 Cups of Coffee Could Save Your Charity
…a remarkable difference in income occurs by meeting with your financial partners… I personally met with 117 families over the last 12 months. Thanked them for their support. Listend to why they give and then tailored and “ask” based upon their desires, not mine.
Are You Listening To Your Supporters?
development professionals have to take precautions to ensure that your activitity is not just about the numbers… The real question is whether or not they are listening to the needs of their supporters.
Are you preparing your Christmas “check list” in August?
In the month of December, one thing is for sure… if your donor knows that “you a making a list and checking it twice and that you’ll find out soon who’s naughty or nice” they are going to make sure that there is a gift under the tree at your charitable organization. Merry Christmas!
Your Fundraising Program Should Begin AT THE END
The first question every development professional must ask is how many donors who gave last year have not given this year? In other words, how many supporters have lapsed?
Are your board members currently involved in major gift fundraising?
Board members need to get more involved in major donor efforts through sharing, identifying donors, meeting with prospects, introducing their friends to the organization and ensuring the development director has what she needs to be successful.
Tee Up Your Next Major Gift ASK: Create personalized video messages from the field
You probably can’t do this for your entire donor base, but imagine how great your donors will feel when your CEO or board chair sends them a personal video greeting and message of thanks from the site of one of your projects.
Are YOU Business Partners With Your Major Donor?
great major gift fundraisers understand that those writing the checks are ultimately their business partners.