LYBUNT is an acronym that stands for “last year, but unfortunately not this year.” This is a term used frequently in the fundraising world to represent donors who gave your organization money last year but, who have not given you money yet this year. Fundraisers typically target this group of last year’s donors differently than people who haven’t made a gift at all.
FIT Fundraising Articles
Fundraising Tips and Strategies.
Are You Building Trust With Your Major Donors?
If you want to see your donors step up and start making major investments in your charity or non-proft, then start treating them like you would a business partner or major investor. Meet with them, talk with them, but most importantly listen to them.
Major Donor Metrics – Part 2
Do you really LOVE those donors who are sacrificially supporting our organization? If you do, meet with them. Become their friend. Listen to them. Find out where their hearts are. Hear what kinds of programs and projects that the want to support. Then become their advocate, their supporter… their friend.
The 4th Quarter Blitz
Yes, it’s that time again. The 4th quarter has arrived and what play are your going to call? By any metric or system of measurement in fund development the last quarter of the year is the most important and the last week of the 4th quarter is by far the most profitable week for any not-for-profit organization. I often refer to this week as “golden week”.
Stop Counting the Money… Major Giving Metrics
Getting donors to sit down with you is a cycle. You have to get the pump primed before most donors say, “yes, let’s meet”. It might take 10 phone calls, 3 voice mail messages, a handwritten note and 2 or 3 actually phone conversations to get a visit. When you interrupt this cycle for one week, two weeks or even, three weeks, guess what? You have to start all over.
Tipping Points in Fundraising
When you have a donor who upgrades their giving, especially those that move dramatically to the 5-figure level, do not just put them through your normal thank you receipting process. Get out of your office and go see them. Get face to face with that donor and thank them. Ask them to explain the decision making process and their trusted advisers that helped them with the decision. Before you know that single gift will blossom into five or six major gifts, but only if you take the time to meet and cultivate real friendships.
A Check Up From the Neck Up
over time, fundraising procedures stacked one on top of another, can place an organization in a box that it cannot get out of.
Where Do You Find New Major Donors?
Major donors NEVER (or rarely) begin by making 5-figure and 6-figure gifts to your non-profit organization. Remember, major donors are NOT donors at all. They are investors! Major donors expect (some will even demand) to see a return on their investment before they increase their giving.
Major Gifts and Painting Porches
When I called the major gift officer to check on how his visit went with the donor, a dear older lady answered the phone. She said that “her friend was helping her paint the front porch right now and could he call me back in an our our so?”
Are You Signing Up Your “90 Day Wonders” as Monthly Giving Sponsors?
90 Day Wonders. The best way to get monthly donors to “sign up” for a monthly pre-authorized gift is to track monthly giving from your regular donor program. Run a report monthly and identify those donors who have given 3 months in a row. Call them immediately after the third gift to thank them and ask them to join your monthly giving club.